A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. A bumper crop this week, in fact I’ve had to trim the items down considerably, even going as far to skip my usual IoT comments. The remaining gems are still thought provoking with the first being a classic; a third party data breach. Quite an epic one. Don’t think I need to explain it any more than that:

Its holiday season for many. Are you looking to take something to read on the beach? I really suggest taking this, you might also want to take a notepad as I’m sure it will give you plenty of ideas for things to do when you get back to work!

We’ve seen a number of further Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities emerge, and much like the Rowhammer attack, we’re now about to see another hardware bug come under attack remotely. Need to keep an eye on how this vector develops:


More light reading:

Weekly Cyber Security News 27/07/2018