ionCube Infosec Blog

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. The year kicks of with many strange events, and the continuing unraveling of the SolarWinds hack has moved on to other points in the supply chain. How far does this rabbit hole go?

You can’t have failed to notice a few email campaigns using Google Doc links. I suppose with the COVID-19 work from home situation for many, throwing documents around with share links would fool enough to make it viable:

Another shift in skimmers to one of the biggest online shop fronts around. Personally, I find the number of tracking and domains that request access via NoScript blocking to be a little concerning, and its little wonder such activities can slip by. Be extra careful folks. They are out to get you!:


Weekly Cyber Security News 08/01/2021