EPIK, our community outreach project, is heading to San Francisco where they shall be talking at Oracle’s javaOne conference. The group includes EPIK Youth Peer Mentors as well as some of our team members who will all be taking part in the events at the conference. During their trip, they shall also be hosting an edition of the Netbeans podcast and running a Mozilla Webmaker party for the Mission District community.

EPIK’s javaOne session ‘Changing the World One Child at a Time: Minecraft with the Netbeans IDE’ takes place Monday, September 29th, 7pm at Moscone South.

The aim of this session is to show how we can interact and enthuse with the next generation by connecting as educators and/or people with children of our own by sharing Java as a tool. In the session, the speakers will share their excitement with you, explain why they enjoy exploring making stuff with kids, and promote how together we can invite them to meet us to help them create that desire to go down that rabbit hole to code with other languages and begin to create themselves.

You can find the full session details here

The Mozilla Webmaker event takes place September 27th, and is free to attend. This will be a hands on coding event in the Mission District Community focusing on Java and Minecraft using Netbeans IDE. Full details for the event can be found here.

Regular updates from the team in San Francisco will be posted over a the EPIK blog before, during and after the event. If you’re in San Francisco, drop the team a line @epikhub!

EPIK heads to javaOne, San Francisco
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