For well over a decade our focus at ionCube has been on PHP security but recently with the release of ionCube24 we have been looking into different kinds of vulnerabilities. This post has a few of the interesting issues we have found this week.

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cybersecurity news.


The search is on for next-gen experts


A large breach, but not the biggest by far, still has a long reaching impact

Shows how easy it is for social engineering drop through the holes.

Amazed at the sheer audacity of it!

How long has this one been there?

You couldn’t make this stuff up. Really.


And another hit to this plugin

An urgent update to a WordPress plugin


Someone has spotted a flaw in ASLR kernel support for a key means to randomise pages for thwarting attacks

After the debarcle of a demonstrated SSL hijack the lessons have not been learnt

Even Ebay can miss the obvious

An attack on British Airways has kicked up a fuss

A lock which isn’t…

This one has far reaching implications, certainly on a local lan but any external leaks from badly configured routers could cause concern

After the exposure of the weak SSL down grading some proof of concepts are now out

An issue in SELinux which could be a problem

That’s good of them


A few issues for the popular Drupal platform

Many vunerbalityies dissclosed in this Wiki application

A well known web application has been disclosed as vulnerable

One to watch with so many file uploads going on

A loop hole in this application

The start of their nightmare

A follow-up summary to the disclosures from last week

One to check as its used in many places…

A vulnerability in another well known application

User Space

A curious loop hole in Safari

Web Server

If you have older versions of Node.js then be sure to check your risk


A pretty nasty issue been identified

With another one too

Here we are again with yet another serious fault not long after the last one

Weekly Cyber Security News