The ionCube Encoder will return exit codes when it encounters certain issues. Here are a selection of the ones you might encounter:

  • 1 – General error (can be licensing related)
  • 7 – PHP Errors were encountered during the encoding process
  • 8 – PHP Warnings were encountered during the encoding process
  • 16 – The Encoder is in an unlicensed state
  • 86 – GUI license mismatch
  • 101 – Evaluation period has expired
  • 102 – Clock skew (>24hrs out)
  • 103 – Problem with state file
  • 104 – No network interfaces found
  • 105 – Revoke file couldn’t be generated
  • 125 – Problem starting encryption library

Further more, exit codes relating to PHP language warnings can be ignored through the use of the –ignore-deprecated-warnings command line switch. More details can be found in the User Guide.  

Encoder Exit Codes