Myself (Patrick), Luke and Dorine, along with virtual reality tech and recording equipment recently attended MozFest 2016. This was the second year that ionCube got involved and was my first time attending.

MozFest celebrates all things web, from tech to science and art to journalism. This October Mozilla demonstrated its diversity and interactivity with Mozillians who want to build a great open future.

Dorine is one of two space wranglers at MozFest, Luke was put in charge of the Vive VR and I was tasked with tweeting and interviewing Mozillians and session facilitators.

Apart from a faulty SD card (excuse any sound issues in the video), I had a great time meeting so many inspiring people and hearing their stories. I look forward to next year!

You can keep up to date with what we’re up to on Twitter @ionCube.


ionCube Goes To MozFest

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