For well over a decade our focus at ionCube has been on PHP security but recently with the release of ionCube24 we have been looking into different kinds of vulnerabilities. This post has a few of the interesting issues we have found this week.

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news.


A small bug. But how far could it have gone?

Much going on at Apple

Ah, this wouldn’t have helped in the breach earlier in the week

Change again at Google

People just don’t learn

Unlikely to have been a significant issue but does show youve got to keep on top of all angles

What can happen to leaked data

And one from way back when

A bit of a relief for many. But where do we go from here?


A particularly easy to exploit vulnerability discovered


A new and easier way to certify


A small bug, but had potential to cause wider concern

Gmail suffered a bit

Anther router falls down. This is just way too common now.

Even the great Amazon can leak something unintended

User Space


These stats are amazing in this day and age

A back door found

It comes from all sides so you’ve got to keep on top

A possible new rising threat?

Wondered at all those recent spam emails. Now you know.

Watch out gamers

Your monitor introduces security risks? Really? Not helpful

Adverts delivering malware

Ransoms, give in?


Make sure you keep on top of updates

Weekly Cyber and PHP Security News